
Village of Morley
189 S Cass Street
Morley MI 49336

Phone: 231-856-4582
Fax: 231-856-0288

Email: clerk@villageofmorley.com


Thanks to all the work of the Village Council, the five year Park Plan for the Village has been approved by the State. The Village can now apply for state grant monies.

There is no parking on Village of Morley streets from November 1 through April 1 from 2:00-6:00 AM. This ordinance is to accomodate snow plowing. 


We contract with Republic Services for residential trash service so we can provide our residents with service at a better value. If you wish to receive trash service, you must contract with them. They have a very reasonable bag service also. Please mention that you're under the Village of Morley contract. They can be contacted at 877-698-7274.

Each year, municipalities who receive road monies are required to provide the State with a report. This report is open to the public. Click HERE to obtain the report.

For Michigan Public Service Commission Video/Cable Consumer Information - click HERE.